Below you will find all information regarding school meals.  If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Please click here to read our most recent school meals menus.

School Meals Menu

Our school will provide facilities for pupils bringing in packed lunches and ensure that free, fresh drinking water is readily available at all times.

The school will work with the pupils to provide an attractive and appropriate dining room arrangement.

The school will work with parents to ensure that packed lunches abide by the national standards for healthy schools. (see lists below)

As we do not have a fridge, pupils are advised to bring packed lunches in insulated bags with freezer blocks where possible to stop the food going off.

Whenever possible the school will ensure that packed lunch pupils and school dinner pupils will be able to sit and eat together.

Children from Reception to Year 2 are all eligible for the Government Universal Free School Meal (UFSM) scheme.

Once a child reaches Year 3 you will need to apply for Free School Meals (FSM) in order to continue to receive free meals.

If you have any difficulty with completing the form then please ring school and we will be happy to help you complete the form.

Please click here to apply for Free School Meals.

Children under the age of five are entitled to receive milk at school-there is no charge for this.  School will organise this.

For children over five, if you would like your child to receive milk each day, this service is provided through ‘Cool Milk’ and is organised by parents/families by clicking on this link: 

St Michael’s is a cashless school.  From Monday 3rd June all payments for school meals will be made through the Arbor Parent Portal App.

If you need any support in using this app, please contact the school office.