At St Michael’s , we are committed to enriching our curriculum in alignment with our mission statement, ‘Holding God’s Hand, we nurture hearts, minds, and spirits’. Through a range of curriculum enrichment activities, we strive to deepen our children’s understanding and appreciation of their faith while fostering intellectual curiosity and creativity. Our approach integrates spiritual growth with academic excellence, ensuring a well-rounded education that prepares our students to embrace challenges with compassion and resilience. Through engaging activities and tailored programs, we empower our students to explore, learn, and flourish in a nurturing Catholic environment.
The best place to keep up to date with our curriculum enrichment activities is our school Twitter/X account, which you can see below.
Our Reindeer Run for @BuryHospice has been taking place all day - hopefully we have raised lots of money for such a worthy cause. @STOC_CAT #STMICRE
What a wonderful Christmas stay and play we had this morning! Our Early Year's children made snowmen, gonks, cards, Christmas trees and decorated biscuits-Wow, what a busy morning! @STOC_CAT
Good Morning,
Please find below the Weekly Newsletter link;
Many thanks School Office
St. Michael's RC Primary School Newsletter WE: 13/12/2024
'Holding God's hand, we nurture hearts, minds and spirits.'
Look at our amazing raffle hampers, tickets still on sale! Draw will take place Friday 20th. Will you win our fantastic Christmas in a box!
Year 3 have used a photo app to design and make their calendars for next year. They have worked hard to edit their photos and create their designs. @STOC_CAT #STMICCOMPUTING
KS2 loved our Christmas fun during Christmas dinner today. @STOC_CAT
Our Christmas dinner is underway...with lots of singing and dancing!!!!! @STOC_CAT
Wow!!!! Reception have blown Miss Ashton away with their fabulous Nativity writing and drawings. The children certainly know how to tell the true meaning of Christmas through their beautiful work. @STOC_CAT #eyfsliteracy
We love to see the work they have completed with Madame Birtwistle in their weekly French lessons.