On behalf of the whole community of St Michael’s may I welcome you to our school. First of all, thank you for showing an interest in St Michael’s. We are a school that wholeheartedly embrace our mission statement: ‘Holding God’s hand, we nurture hearts, minds and spirits’.St Michael’s staff promote a strong Catholic identity where everyone is valued and encouraged to grow into well-educated, caring, confident and active members of society. We are a school that pride ourselves on working in partnership creating a strong and cohesive community, where everybody loves and looks after each other in our secure, safe and happy school.
As well as giving our pupils a firm grounding in the Catholic faith, we ensure that we deliver a broad, stimulating, balanced and exciting curriculum which challenges every single child. We aim to ensure that the St Michael’s curriculum is bespoke to meet the needs of our children, providing knowledge and understanding first at a local level, expanding to national and global perspectives. Our delivery and teaching approaches match the children’s individual needs.At St Michael’s, we are proud of our breadth of learning, our environments in and out of the classroom, our friendly purposeful learning atmosphere and the extra curricular provision made available to our pupils.We expect the highest standards from our pupils in all aspects of school life – in their attitudes to learning and in their behaviour.
We try to encourage at all times an active partnership with parents, pupils, governors and parish to help ensure the best possible education for each one of our pupils. Unlocking potential for each child is our goal, to enable children to dream, believe and achieve their hopes for the future.We are aware that in choosing to send your child to St Michael’s you are making an act of trust. We set out to ensure that every child entrusted to our care is made welcome and that their time here is happy and successful.
The website has been put together to provide you with information about the life and work of our school. If you require a paper copy of any documentation contained on this website, please contact the school office and we will be happy to provide them! Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. We are always delighted and proud to welcome visitors to St Michael’s and would be more than happy for you to visit and see for yourself what a lovely vibrant school we have!
Welcome to St Michael’s and I look forward to meeting you soon.
Mrs T.Grogan